
tirsdag, september 30

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen 

Can you say it faster?
First round of FMR parties were last night. That was by far, the easiest set I've ever been to. All I had to do was stand out in the middle of the floor, talk to the other alumna who was out there, and that was it. I also had to tally votes, but that was super easy. We were all done within 20 minutes of the end of the party. I'm _so _ looking forward to going to bed tonight, already, since I think I might be getting the cold that's been spreading around campus. Gonna OD on the vitamin C and go to bed tonight, maybe a nap at lunch. Gotta be healthy for the soccer game, since I'm moving past the girl-squishiness into the althletic, she-must-work-out look. It especially exciting because my chest is getting all pulchritudinous with the bench-press action. I'm up to 65 lbs! I can bench press a small child!
Smile and look pretty.

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