
onsdag, december 24

Oh, Estoy de aquerda 

Along with the people in the three rows behind me at RotK, I agree that the previews are an acceptable time to talk to my movie mates about how terrible these previewed movies are going to be, make fun of them, and declare that I'll never go see them and you're a pansy for thinking they might be good (though we both know we'll wind up seeing them.)
Beginning of the movie is the time for calling my girlsfriend and, though I switched off the ringer of my phone as the cartoon suggested, near the middle of the movie I'll still answer my phone with "Who is this?" and explain where I am and what's going on to a complete stranger. Also, the middle of the movie is the greatest time to explain the back story and what mithreal is to my movie buddy and the three rows behind. In fact, I don't see why they don't just stop the film and
catch everyone up to speed on what they might have missed by only seeing the first two movies once each.
I thought it was hilarious to repeat serious, foreshadowing lines of the movie, like, "She's not finished!" during the quiet pauses. What the hell kind of director uses silence as an emphasis point? I thought it even funnier when someone got killed, lept off a cliff on fire, or died accidentally. I watch massacres for fun!
Of course, once that thing gets destroyed, the movie's over, no point in anybody watching the rest. The climax of the sex books are over, so why would anybody make a movie past this point? Who cares about an epilogu or wrapping up loose ends? I was talking about leaving with my friends, but when the rest of the people who'd also paid $7.25 to see the movie shussshed me, we all decided to stay, half of us ran up to the front and talked, and the other half of my compatriates stayed in the back and shussshhed us, just to show the rest of the audience what a bunch of uptight squares they are! Showed them biotches!

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