Not only did I work 20 hours this weekend, it was also Anchor Splash, Winefest, and Ralph got married this weekend. Highlights include:
-A girl telling me I'm super cool (at the bar, a bartender's sister in law)
-Getting paid with an old 20
-Nailing the shoulder stand at Anchor Splash (we couldn't get it in practice)
-Hanging out with the boys like we'd never left college
-Ralph getting married
-Getting to wear my princess coat
-The bouquet hitting me when the bride threw it
crown and buttershots and "making" our own buttery crowns in our mouths, in the car, in the parking lot of the reception
-Finishing two fifths of liquor in 10 minutes between 5 of us
-Saying "Marriage is stuipid. All of a sudden you're sleeping with a relative."
Joel should swallow more"
-Getting my picture taken holding the keys to
Nagi's car
-Joel requesting Sir Mix-a-lot, and it was the last song of the evening
-They call me "HotPalila," even
Nagi's girlfriend, behind my back. It makes me suddenly very very happy to know about this.