It'd been known for a while that we had mice at the DDD house; I could hear them run across the ceiling at night. I was sitting at my desk on evening, working on homework, when I heard rustling in the papers behind me. I turned to look, threw my shoe and a mouse ran out and underneath a bookshelf. Utilizing the boxes still in my room, I covered all means of escape for our mouse and walked upstairs to find a trap.
Me (to the girls watching tv in the formal room): Where can I fine a mouse trap?
Them: I think there's one in a drawer or something.
Poking around, I found one under the sink- a sticky one. Downstairs, I made a chute for the mouse with the sticky trap in it. Then I banged on the metal bookcase with a baseball bat. Hearing nothing, I figured the mouse had fled prior to my mousetrap arrangement but, looking back there, I found the mouse quite stuck. Upstairs:
Me: What do I do with a mouse if I catch one?
Them: Uh, kill it? Take it outside? Not really sure.
Me: Well, I've caught one.
Them: [sudden rush downstairs to see it and take pictures]