Because someone in my apartment has an unprotected wireless network (I think it's from the landlady, she was talking about installing them last year), I'm bidding on a wireless card (Since I'm too lazy to go to the Apple store when I'm in L'ville.) Everyone will benefit. I'll get to check email and do things at home, and you all will get to see drunk posts like this one I typed out this weekend:
Wen walking home in half a foot of snow, from the bally
half a foot is kinf=da deep
TH First Nastional has heaten sidewalk
the birds know
sings. even for causes you belive in, aren't worth the possible tqwisted ankke to clear them off
As a little background, it had been snowing when I walked out of my apartment to meet Voda and Goods at Simerall's, which is two blocks from my house. I'd had a couple glasses of wine already. At Sim's, I dropped my camera and the zoom-y part of the camera got stuck (fixed that today, just kinda popped it back into place.) Then we went to the Bally, I got really tired from
getting up earlyish and staying up late the night before, working. So I walked home in the 6 inches of still-falling snow with snowflakes as big as your head. Once I got home, I realised I'd semi-locked myself out. I'd put the chain across the door to which I have a key and left through the other door (that auto-locks.) So I "broke" into my apartment by unscrewing the chain through the door from the porch with my gardening tools. It was a good night.