About one year ago, drunk at Sonka's, is when TCB and I met. I was cussing up a storm, had been drinking with a friend at home watching movies, got a call that we should come to Sonka's and I convinced them that they should come and get our drunk asses. So while we were there, my friend saw a guy he kind of knew from college (who was back getting his Masters, unbeknownst to my friend,) called him over and it all began. Well, actually, it also involved a drunk dial to my sister, him telling me I sounded like a girl from jersey, not one you take home to meet mom, and then the walk to the DSP house via T's, a game of pool and a burger, then the walk back to Sonka's to get his car, and then the falling asleep on my couch while watching "Sliding Doors." I think I'd still take you home.