I'm definitely in the market for a Boyfriend Arm Pillow, so I can snuggle up to something at night, now that the nights are getting colder, longer, and TCB is far away. I could even dress it in one of his shirts! Plus, I like the idea of a vibrating-arm alarm clock.
Because this week starts Recruitment at Rose and We have a huge away trip this weekend to Syracuse, I probably won't be blogging much, if at all, until next Tuesday or Wednesday. Whoo!
FMR- the most stressful and most rewarding time in a chapter
Saturday night, I came home to find the almost-giant cockroach in my kitchen waiting up for me, making me ghetto-ramen out of noodles and some dried miso soup. We got into a fight because, if he was going to live in my house, he needed to pay his share of the rent. He got all defensive, saying he was still looking for a job that let him grow as a living thing and, about then, I'd had enough. I told him he could just leave if he didn't want to help with the rent and he said I couldn't kick him out because he was leaving me. He made for the door and tossed out one more cutting remark, so I started hit him with a shoe, he threw a punch, and it was all shoes and fists from there. "Uncle!" he cried, and I went off to watch Clerks and call my sister.
10 minutes late, I went back to move the body, he yelled "Ha!" and started crawling up the outside of my shoe, trying to get in one last hit before I danced on his body with both shoes.
I haven't had a night like last night in a long time. KLef turned 21 and, since football practice ended early, I joined the crew at $1/4 beers at Sonka's. After many beers and then some shots at Ambro's, we took off on foot for T's. We introduced KLef to photo-hunt with the pictures of skanky women and then headed down to Wim's. Potato walked back with me and crashed on my couch. We watched Clerks.
This morning was fun- we saw a camel on Ohio on the walk back to the bar to get my car
But all of this inspires some DOs and DON'Ts with Aunt Palila.
DO: Practice tackling
DON'T: Do it next to a moving train
DO: When your sister asks you to keep track of her drinks by writing them on her shirt, oblige.
DON'T: Also use the marker to sign her chest.
DO: Allow your sister to retaliate and sign your boobs
DON'T: Let anyone in the bar do so also.
DO: Have a nibble of free popcorn when hungry.
DON'T: End up leaving the bar with three bags of it.
DO: Take a walk around the streets when you realize you're too drunk to lie down.
DON'T: Walk to a friend's house and repeatedly ring the doorbell at 4am.
DO: Upon seeing a political sign in a fraternity's yard, comment to your friend about it.
DON'T: Take the sign out of the ground, give it a fling and tip all the bottles on the porch rail back onto the porch.
DON'T: Do it while the boys are in the backyard
I've been reading up on design of physical things, but the book's putting me to sleep in ways my usability and web design books never did. Not that it's nearly as bad as, say, books on history and definitely not as bad as books on business accounting. Maybe I'll sort through books on the 'puts me to sleep' factor and try to come up with an sop that way.
I understand the need to excercise in the morning, every morning, and that, sometimes, I watch tv and movies late into the night. But please, can the treadmill wait until at least 7am?
Hoping you lose weight quickly so your fat ass doesn't shake my windows as much,
Going through the grad application, it looks like the hardest thing after a portfolio will be the personal statement complete with academic goals, career objectives, reason for applying and qualifications that make me a strong canidate. With the written word as my enemy, I'm getting started on that as soon as possible and found a website with all sorts of advice on writing a Statement of Purpose.
Looking through my projects in college, the one I found most interesting dealt with the internet and control- controlling a lamp through the web and a Rabbit board. I also thought the class in which we did the project was the most frustrating, sicne we dealt with only slightly with web programming, but not good design of anything for the web.
Most of my other projects had web aspects, including an ill-fated one in databases and the clusterfuck of my senior project.
I'm not sure what I want to do after school, beyond wear jeans, sandals and a tank top every day to work. I'll switch to boots and sweaters once it gets cold. Kareoke, though a passion, doesn't seem quite in the stream of the program unless I could combine it with theatre. Maybe music that followed your voice tempo on stage, like a live orchestra would? And combine it with Fusion.
I don't recall writing many papers at all in college except for Networks (on the Nagle Algorithm), Computer Architecture (On the 4-stage pipleine in the G3), and Freshman Comp (fucking class.) Not too much of a help there, I liked the little details of the tech papers in the way that I liked my Physics paper in High School on Concrete. And hated my Freshman Comp teacher.
In my spare time, I read up on usability, design, and I really enjoy I.D. magazine, but more for the well-designed products than the architectural spaces. My favorites are the ones that can take the place of normal objects but, because of the good design, use less space/energy/resources than conventional products. Just because someone thought about them.
From the talk with Thom, I got the indication that anything in Theater would be a huge plus and interesting focus, but it doesn't looks like much of my background, beyond where I work now, supports that focus. Rather, it looks like it's more of a focus on usability design with everyday products. Perhaps with grad school, I could complete my dream of finding the perfect hot chocolate mug: with a handle big enough for my entire fist, well balanced when full to mostly empty, big enough around for both my hands to hold, and pretty.
We've got the curtains and windows open in the office and it's a gorgeous almost-fall day that makes me sad. The summer is nearly done, and the soccer and sports are calling out from inside, making me go running and depressing me when I don't pull on shinguards and a collared jersey twice a weekend. The weather wants me to put on a cute outfit and walk busily around campus. I want to come home to a house full of girls.
The meeting yesterday went really well; we talked for about 40 minutes about the program and what students do in it, and it seems like it will be a good fit. It looks like a challenge but I'm fairly certain that I'd do well in it. I also hung out with Sid, attended one of his classes in the Informatics Department, found Alla's office, and met some of the other students in MIME. We ate a a restraunt called Falafel's and the sandwich I had was really good, but still not as good as Fifi's. Now my next tasks are figuring out what the heck I'd want to do in grad school, scheduling the GRE and picking out pieces for a portfolio submission.
So, question for all you furthering your education (or already been there, done that): How did you choose your area of study and how certain were you about it when you started?
This weekend was a blast. The post-game at Don Pablos was awesome- I hearted dancing with reckless abandon with my teammates and the other team, even if Dad was there. He also had a really good time people watching. Next home game's against the same team and maybe we'll get them to leave their shirts on.
If you'd like to join in on this, we're having a party there on Friday night, tickets are $15 (includes food) and it looks like it'll be an absolute blast.
Informational visit days for GA Tech's School of Literature, Communication, & Culture, who has an MS in Information Design & Technology, offering an arts-and humanities-based advanced study in digital media design and critique. Whoo! I think I'll be in GA then.
Lydia, I really with I could take you home with me and love you forever. You could live on my porch and snuggle with me when I watch tv at night and become porch kitty with porch doggie.
Monday I went with Aunt S and friend to the flea market in L'ville. Walking around the junk section, looking at the signs, it was a punctuation stickler's hell. For every extra apostrophe on a sign, a comma was missing from somewhere else. I was extremely tempted to whip out the permanent marker I have taken to carrying in my purse and correct all the handmade signs, but it was the last hours of the market and the editing, I fear, would have been lost.
I'll jump on the bandwagon, too, with my Architect, college professor, photographer, artist, computer programmer self. Whee. Can I put this on my grad school applications?
You are an Architect, possible professions include - strategic planning, writer, staff development, lawyer, architect, software designer, financial analyst, college professor, photographer, logician, artist, systems analyst, neurologist, physicist, psychologist, research/development specialist, computer programmer, data base manager, chemist, biologist, investigator.
Won the game last night, it was awesome. I'm very sore today from the game, as it was the first game I _really_ played in. And started. Coach said I did a really good job, needed to be more agressive when blitzing, but I say I did pretty damn good when I was learning that I was supposed to blitz while on the field.
Drove down to Corydon after the game with TCB but, on the way, had to switch drivers after I saw a mario-brothers vine come out of the sky and wrap around a tree. definitely then it was time for me to quit driving. After lunch (and sleeping) at his Mom's, I saw the boy off (again) to Atlanta, but this time he had his stuff in a trailer.
Rememebr the Inhalabe alcohol? Now the Man wants to ban its use after one sneak peak at it Friday night in a New England bar, saying that it will become the "new form of pipe smoking".
Wisconsin was awful. It rained; it was cold and dark. The Ice stopped the clock with 0.6 seconds left in the first half (up 30-something) just so they could score again, but due to a flag on the play against the Ice, we got to re-do the play (No time on the clock, mind you) so that they didn't get the points. They ran up toe score and, as a result, we had so many injuries that the trainer got an even better workout than much of the team. She certainly wasn't cold. Also because of the injuries, we have at least 4 players out-out for the next few games, if not the season.
But I'm playing cornerback and kicking in the game this weekend.