Yesterday, my future husband's new cd arrived in the mail and, all excited, I brought it to work today (after I wasn't able to listen to it last night because of the recruitment parties,) put it in my cd drive, and it brought up some stupid 'cd extra' crap. Which, after clicking around it, eventually crashed my computer. Why? Why John Mayer, Why?
So now here I sit, with my walkman playing the cd beside me. It's beautiful, I approve of the return to his jazz influences, though there's some noise in many of the tracks that's annoying. Not sure what it is, but it's got headache staying power. His voice seems to blend into the music more on this cd, and there's lots of staccato guitar. Also, the topics feel more personal than "Room for Squares," which had a broad range of emotions.
But, oh! The insert! oh, it makes me forgive it all, the crash, the frustration, the everything! It's so beautiful, I could about cry.