
fredag, oktober 17

Do gentlemen prefer? 

It's time to go back to the hairdresser- those highlights aren't blonde enough for today. I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep last night, at all. at 2:30 (earlier than their usual 3 am) there was a fight outside and though I so wanted to call the police, my phone was dead. So I was up until 4:45 reading, having hot chocolate... I boiled the tea kettle dry, so now the wooden handle on the lid has a lovely burnt bottom to it. This morning, I nearly forgot my key (again) nearly locked my keys in the car, and couldn't think of a single word at the meeting this morning. Then, I got caught big time at my own game in the office. I usually wear headphones, so nobody will bother me and sometimes I listen to music, usually I don't, so I can hear what's going on in the office, since one of the guys (the one in charge of 'communications,' ironically) will call meetings that you HAVE to be at, and won't tell you about them, or what they're about, until he stands at your desk annoyed and says, "Ready?" As if you're supposed to read GS's mind on what this meeting supposed to accomplish.
Anyway, I started playing my new favorite game, Pocketful of Stars, and the music's turned off, so I put my headphones on, turn up volume on my computer, and play. Turn it up a little more, since tha volume's not responding and at the end, FP goes "Who's game is making that 'dingdingding' noise?"
Of course they all look at me, and I realise that the headphones aren't plugged in, and they make fun of me for wearing them to eavesdrop. More embarrassing than anything, because we all hide from each other the fact that we play games at work.
Oh well.

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