
mandag, oktober 13

It's back! 

So after a frustrating 4 days, the 'net's back up at work.
On the bright side- I set a new minesweeper record: 107s on expert. Very fufilling, to soundly beat QK's squeak by my old record.
On the non-bright side- the mail server was down long enough to bounce stuff (>3 days)
And to top it off, today's Columbus day, so the DMV was closed. And there's no mail. I feel so isolated. No mail at home, no mail at work, no male in my bed...
Went to a wedding on saturday, the bride was radiant, the ceremony beautiful, the reception was a good time. The best part was seeing JR (R of the red nose) knowing every word to the Humpty Dance. and dancing to it. Hi- larious.
and then Sunday, I spent most of the day with my favorite elf- Llegolas.
Sex on a stick. Yum!!

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