I've been thinking on AB's offer of a new blender (since mine has, unfortunately, more than one blade in the ground, and she's got a great kitchen store down the street) and I believe this is the list:
1. Multi-speed. Gotta be able to puree the frozen strawberries and gently mix the margaritas.
2. Noise- not too loud, since you can hear things in the common hallway, I've discovered.
3. Color- not purple, that'd Ike's job.
4. Size- the same volume as the old one's fine.
5. Material- really, plastic's best, since it's easiest to clean.
6. Cuteness- my sister has one with Hello Kitty on it.
And AB, if your blender dies, I can make a run to the kitchen store we went to before for you. *wink*