
onsdag, oktober 22


I'm very excited now that fall temperatures have arrived to match the fall colors. I don't know why, but Autumn just excites me. It might be the abundance of squirrels or the smell of wood fires for marshmallows. Last week, as I drove to work, the wind was blowing leaves across the street and as the rolled I realized, "Hey! Some of those leaves are a squirrel!" It was beautiful, the way the squirrel just near-perfectly blended in with the leaves to cross the street, bouncing with their mad tumble.
This week, I parked the car in the back lot at the Apt. building and rounded the corner to the front entrance quickly and startled all the birds in the bushes, which came out and flew around me, like it was some kind of planned dance. The bushes just exploded with shrapnel made of birds.
Monday night, when I walked to dinner late, I looked out the door and the sky had been painted with blue and red, like a strange poster from the 80's, maybe seen a little too much sun, but still pretty. I love Fall.

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