I went to Big Lots yesterday (who's now open until 8 pm on Sundays for holiday shopping.) Ended up with crackers, instant red miso soup, and hot chocolate. I love Big Lots because you can find the most random stuff, like things that were discontinued, didn't sell well, or overstocks, and I wonder what the marketing campaign would have been for these products:
Healthy Choice Vegetable Clam soup
It's clammy veggi soup! Choose Healthy, Choose Clam and Vegetables.
Suddenly Salad!
A head of lettuce left its cabbage at the altar and got a job at an Italian dressing factory. It's suddenly salad!
Pizza-Flavored Cheese-Its*
It's like pizza on a square cracker! and crunchy! Get your own box for 99 cents at Big Lots.
Menudo Spice Mix
There were 5,280 bottles of these, the extras from handing them out to every mexican in the world. Please, buy some. We ground up Menudo for them, to share it with the world.
*these weren't even selling well at Big Lots