
mandag, december 1

Holiday Weekend 

This weekend (I survived) I went to Ft. Wayne to see the fam. up there. It was fabulous. Ate turkey, drank wine, didn't kill anybody. Some things I learned (that I remember):
My Cousin, EH, is terrible at playing Taboo
In Taboo, clues that (might) make sense
This guy sits by the water. Jesus! (Lifegaurd)
Shiny thing above your boobs. (necklace)
He has a wicked cool car. (Batman)
The butt of a choo-choo. (caboose)
Tom ___ (cruise)
It took my Uncle G 15 shots before hitting any target the first time he shot a pistol (took me until the first shot)
Alternate recipie for sangria: red wine, brown sugar, orange juice, brandy
If no brandy, then hebal liquer with star anise works, too
They make cheese with cranberries in it
There's bars in New Haven
Uncle D hates her VCR
198 people can look like 300

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