After seeing so many girls in high school stick with the jerk of a boyfriend after all the crap that he'd do to her, the Cute Boy told me about his "Dick-In Theory:" that once a guy got his dick in a girl, she was his.
While explaining this a few years later to some friends in college, he turned on the Discovery Channel and the guy there was explaining the same thing, only his had more scientific evidence than jerks in High School, and his stated that there's a physical change in a woman's brain when she decides that she wants to consumate the longer-than-one-night relationship.
But also, women don't always
associate desire with arousal, where men intertwine the two.
Men and women do seem to have
different responses to "love," with "love" turning on the man's visual processing areas and turning on the the areas of the woman's brain associated with memory recall, emotion, and 'pleasure center.'
This looks like it support's Siendfeld's theory that men get smarter without sex and women get smarter with sex.
I say bring it on. I'm willing to risk my man becoming a blathering idiot.