So, I watched
Beautiful again last night (only the good parts, I couldn't sleep) and was annoyed, again, by the inaccurate portrayal of appalachia by the media. Miss Tennessee said she went to MurFREEsboro college and later asked if Miss Illinois had ever been to AppaLAYsheya. Is it only the people who actually live her who pronounce it MURfreesboro and AppaLAcha? The mis-pronunciation of places in Appalachia and the stereotypifying of the accent into the most southern drives me batty in movies. Tennessee accents are strange. Out on the west end, they're flat and ugly. Up in the east, it's.. well, it
sounds like a southern accent that's been in isolation. and the middle of the state's a combintation of the two, excluding Nash-vegas, where it's all imports.
Not that Miss Tennessee talking like she had ever driven through the area woud have made the movie better, but it would have been less vexing.