
torsdag, oktober 21


Searchers to this site page have offered these costumes suggestions, since my ass still doesn't have a costume for halloween yet:
Foreplay Outfits
"No-Contact Jacket" Riot
llegolas costume

While I'm in favor of the Llegolas costume (or just Llegolas), I'm not certain that a foreplay outfit is entirely appropriate to wear outside. Not sure which side of "Trick or Treat" that falls on. Would I send the message that turning tricks isn't just for October, or showing off what kind of a treat they're missing? Either way, it's a little too chilly outside and this costume should stay in my soccer bedroom.
The Jacket just kicks ass, but it seems like the entirely wrong thing to wear to a party, with all of the drinking and meeting people and close contact. I'm afraid I'd shock everybody in the room just by brushing shoulders, livening up any party. I'm hoping that I'll come up with a costume by tomorrow, when I start heading down to ATL.

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