
tirsdag, juni 15

Already a day 

One of those days, you know? Woke up this morning at 7:15 after falling asleep at 2:30ish. Couldn't sleep again. Went to work and my 30-day BBedit trial ended today about 11, so I barely got any work in on that stuff before I turned to finding a replacement. Went home to eat lunch and take a nap, but I quickly realised that all I have in my fridge is cheese and beer. Made muffins, watched Buffy, watched it rain. After the main storm passed, remembered that I left my roof open on my car. Closed it, tried to nap again, but it didn't work. When I left my house to go back to work, found out that the rain had all collected in the space between the roof and the slidy sunshade when it poured down upon me, my sketchpad, and my playbook. Plus, I think either I did something to my hands or the weather's messing with them because I can hardly use my left index finger.
    At least today's Tuesday, that's when the free iTunes song comes out. This week's (Letter Read by Rachel Yamagata) is pretty good, sort of Fiona Apple meets... Norah Jones on a dark corner. Pissed off. And Kermit says you can find extra free songs that aren't on the main page.
    Thinking of not going to football practice, but I don't want to skip.

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