
tirsdag, juni 1

TCB had some burning desire to play Mario Kart on the gamecube. So off we went to FV to rent it. Walked in, found it immeidately, walked out with what we thought was five days of happiness. Got home and it's Mario Party 5 they gave us. While I set things up, TCB brought Angus in, dried him off, and TCB's roommate started talking to me, telling me what the game was.
TCB's roommate is the stereotypical Rose CO geek. Long hair in a bad pony tail, slightly overweight, likes to cook but not to clean, and has that nasal voice that makes you want to stab him. And thinks he's always right.
BR was very excited that we had meant to rent Mario Kart and wanted us to go back and exchange it right away. Instead he sat and played with me, taking TCB's spot, and laughed manaiacly whenever he won a mini-game. I'm talking the "haha, you lost so you must suck!" laughing. Over who could pick up the most flowers in 50 seconds. Also, when we brought the Gamecube into TCB's room to play (and not bother BR if he wanted to watch a movie) he followed and stood there watching for a good 15 minutes, left, got a movie, and came back to stand in the room and whine that we should take it back, it was the wrong game.

Now, Mario Party's somewhat addictive. It's cute, slow paced, and you don't really have to do anything at all. I thought for quite a while about not returning it.

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