Yesterday, the visit to GA Tech was fun. I went on the pre-freshman information session and tour, both to see the campus and to figure out where the hell I was supposed to go to the open house, since I'd left my card with that information at TCB's. TUrns out it was in the
hurricaine-proof building. Then I wandered for two hours, found TCB, and we chilled in Student Services (not to be confused with the Student Sucess Center.)
One we asked around and found the LCC Department (a while department! not just an offshoot of another one!), the open house for the
Information Design & Technology (idt) program went really well. Not only do they have dedicated lab and lounge space for their Masters and PhD students, they have a structured prgram that is exceedingly CS-friendly. Half of the required classes are CS classes- Intro to Java and Databases. A real Databases class! Not just Dalebases!
I think I'm in love.