
lørdag, oktober 30


I have big news. Big BIG news. News for anybody BUT my DDD friends, who will find out the News on Monday night.

The News: the Alumnae Advisor for the DDD chapter got a new job in St. Louis, and I'm taking over that position (with 2 other ladies) in addition to my other advising duties.

torsdag, oktober 28

this is an audio post - click to play


Yesterday, the visit to GA Tech was fun. I went on the pre-freshman information session and tour, both to see the campus and to figure out where the hell I was supposed to go to the open house, since I'd left my card with that information at TCB's. TUrns out it was in the hurricaine-proof building. Then I wandered for two hours, found TCB, and we chilled in Student Services (not to be confused with the Student Sucess Center.)
One we asked around and found the LCC Department (a while department! not just an offshoot of another one!), the open house for the Information Design & Technology (idt) program went really well. Not only do they have dedicated lab and lounge space for their Masters and PhD students, they have a structured prgram that is exceedingly CS-friendly. Half of the required classes are CS classes- Intro to Java and Databases. A real Databases class! Not just Dalebases!
    I think I'm in love.

søndag, oktober 24

Sunday Night 

So it's Sunday night, I'm at TCB's new residence, watching with F1 race with Angus, gin and Cracker jack, and tomorrow I'm going shopping at the North Georgia Outlet Malls with Aunt S. Also, Sandy called yesterday and I have an interview for a part-time jorb at Sonka's next Monday. This trip can only improve if TCB's roommate lets me drive his car.

fredag, oktober 22

nail the Vote 

Send your (girl)friends a reminder to vote with hipster cards, cards designed by 1000flowers.org and November2.org. I'm especially a fan of this card, mostly because of their goggles.

Dear Neighbors, 

I hate you, you suck. If your Laundry's not done by 2am, get up early and do it. Better yet, go somewhere else because the washing machine doesn't actually wash anything. I'd like to have more than four hours of sleep between neighbors making lots of noise.

Sunshines and rainbows,

torsdag, oktober 21


Searchers to this site page have offered these costumes suggestions, since my ass still doesn't have a costume for halloween yet:
Foreplay Outfits
"No-Contact Jacket" Riot
llegolas costume

While I'm in favor of the Llegolas costume (or just Llegolas), I'm not certain that a foreplay outfit is entirely appropriate to wear outside. Not sure which side of "Trick or Treat" that falls on. Would I send the message that turning tricks isn't just for October, or showing off what kind of a treat they're missing? Either way, it's a little too chilly outside and this costume should stay in my soccer bedroom.
The Jacket just kicks ass, but it seems like the entirely wrong thing to wear to a party, with all of the drinking and meeting people and close contact. I'm afraid I'd shock everybody in the room just by brushing shoulders, livening up any party. I'm hoping that I'll come up with a costume by tomorrow, when I start heading down to ATL.

I'll kill it, you get rid of it 

An appropriate comic for TCB, who screams like a little girl when confronted by big spiders.

But that's just reason #85 why he's cute.

Everyone needs their own teenage fan club 

I'm finally on the football pictures page with a
close-up, talking to John. Bubble above my head says either "Coach, send me in. I am ready!" or "You want me to do WHAT?"

Thank goodness I still looked fabulous after my makeover earlier that day!

onsdag, oktober 20


Why can't I just write "I'm a good person and you want to hire/accept me into your oranization/program because I want to do whatever you do and we will both benefit" for my statement of purpose?

Take note, TCB 

Me: I went and lifted, so I'm sore today
Mom: chocolate will make it feel better. Rub some on


Since I'm going to be in Atlanta for the friday of Halloween weekend, I
asked TCB to find us a costume party. My ideas, though I'm not a fan of
any of them:
  • Cheerleader [I have a UH uniform]

  • Football Player

  • Ref [with dark sunglasses]

  • Soccer player

  • Or I could throw on any clothes with my IHOP apron and one of dear
    buttons and be an IHOP waitress with a Steak & Shake name-tag
    that I found. Any other ideas? If I use yours, I'll send you candy.

    Good v. Bad 

    Through I was blasphemous and wore brown shoes with a black belt and shirt on Saturday, I was rewarded with finding my badge and Life Loyal pin last night. Yay! I can wear my own now!

    tirsdag, oktober 19


    New Trend in Japanese imports.

    Define this! 

    Definition of Weblog. Because you didn't know.

    mandag, oktober 18


    Mom came back to the Haute to visit, so now my apartment is sparkly clean. I can have a party! or visitors! or a really lazy day!


    Well, we didn't win, but we gave the Ice a run for their money- we led most of the game. and then, afterwards, we took a sliding dive into the HUGE mud puddle in the middle of the field. It was awesome.

    In the raffle, Aunt S won an autographed ball and Mom won tickets to the next Colts game. Amazing. Unfortuntely, neither she nor I can attend, so we had to give them away.

    fredag, oktober 15

    Three Photos- results 

    Spuddo asked for:
    1. The view of your ceiling from your bed, in your normal sleeping position
    Here's two pictures, they're almost like a panoramic view.

    2. A picture of your breakfast (or first meal of the day, whatever it ends up being)
    It's Hot chocolate and ghetto pizza!

    3. A picture of your monitor with the above pictures showing (not overlapping, may be resized to fit).
    I didn't quite read/remember it right and my camera batteries were dying, so here's a picture of the makeup and breakfast on my monitor

    Ghani asked for:
    1. Your favourite makeup item
    Without a doubt, it's lipgloss of some sort, but lipglass wins.

    2. The item you most use in your apartment
    3. The thing in your everday life that makes you most happy
    Here we have a two-for-one deal. I use my bed the most and it's one of the three other things, my blanket, yellow pillow or Elefant, that makes me most happy. Sorry, TCB, you're not here to sleep with me every day.

    torsdag, oktober 14


    When I moved in, I noticed three radiators: one in the kitchen by the door, one in the bathroom and one in the bedroom at the foot of my bed. Here's my beef: I don't actually control the heat in my apartment. After the first halfway chilly night where I got out the blankets and settled in only to find myself not cold, I checked the radiators and found all but my bedroom one warm. Cool, I thought. Then Indian summer hit and they didn't turn off. I searched my apartment for a control, but found none. I looked at the radiators for the turn-knob and found none. I don't mind the heat, since I don't pay for it, but I'd really like to be able to turn it off sometimes. Because of them, the temperature in my apartment goes from "comfortable" to "blazing hot, oh-my-god-I've-gotta-get-naked-now!" And I don't think the one in my bedroom works. So, now that the temperature is dropping in this cold, wet fall, I'm finding more uses for my fans than during the summer. And packing away my blankets because I have no use for them outside of the office, where I sit on the other side of the door from the temperature gauge.

    onsdag, oktober 13

    Baby, tell me something new 

    One of the most uncomfortable situations ever: your dad taking the 'couch' and having you and your boyfriend to sleep together in the next room.

    Holy Crap. Lions! 

    Yay, homecoming!

    torsdag, oktober 7

    Fundraiser idea 

    All yesterday, the football team discussed making a calendar as a fundraiser, featuring pictures of the players. Right now, I'm May in a pacecar, wearing a helmet and nothing else. I say the car needs to be a convertible, since most things are better topless.

    onsdag, oktober 6

    Three Photos 

    Nearly shamelessly stolen from Ghani, I give you: the three photos meme:

    Ask your readers to think of three photos they'd like to see posted to your blog.

    Ask for anything, but keep the porn requests to a minimum. It's really hard work to get naked people to look good when working with a few floor lamps and a cluttered apartment.

    Depression, a personal scale 

    Dear Nose, 

    I realise that sometimes I'm not nice to you and make you smell bad things, and that you have little recourse for action. But please, stop bleeding in protest, I'm really tired of dealing with it and with the aftermath of crusty-dried-blood in the nose.

    I'd kiss you if I could,


    For the hell of it 

    Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
    favorite color:
    best physical quaility:eyes
    best personality trait:people person
    will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?yes!
    when will you get married?October 12, 2014
    your kiss is:fiery
    People date you because:you're smart
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Yeah, people date me because I'm smart. And we all know I'm such a people person. Bring on the people, I'm fucking smart.

    tirsdag, oktober 5


    Kinder Eggs! I love Kinder Eggs- a surprise toy in every chocolate egg. Not only is the chocolate tasty and the toy fun, but I find the breaking down of the toy to fit in the little egg fascinating.

    61 is eligible 

    After a long night of meeting and greeting girls at Preference party, then tallying all the votes and matching bids, I went home and drank. I really don't have much else to talk about. But I did organize a company field trip yesterday to the voter registration office, so two of us could change addresses and one could register to vote. Whoo!

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