I'm at odds with the world today. Every deck seems stacked against me and I can't win, even at face-up pyramid solitaire. I'm hoping all this doom means something really good's going to happen.
my arm's quite bruised.
and I don't know how to tackle.
the week they taught it, I had no helmet, so I stood and watched.
because my proficiency at "to tackle" is low, I'm not getting any sort of playing time in scrimmages.
so I don't improve and won't get playing time.
I really just need to try it out, slowly, and figure out how to do it.
fortunately, the girl I was up against (and gave me the bruise) doesn't really know how to do it either, so I got right past her in warm-ups.
Went to a wedding this weekend, where I didn't so much *catch* the bouquet as much as it landed in my arms and the girl next to/in front of me got it on the "bounce."
A review of the BuffyPilot with pictures of the original Willow, Riff Regan, who "doesn't look like the TV Willow so much as she looks like she ATE the TV Willow."
In other Buffy news:
The June 20-26 TV Guide reports that "a Buffy the Vampire Slayer cartoon series is back on track. Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, and Anthony Stewart Head will reprise their roles but Buffy will be played by Giselle Loren as Sarah Michelle Gellar declined to reprise her role. (Ms. Loren did the voice of Buffy in two of the video games.) The pilot will be previewed for distributors next month."
The BBC also has a story about it, and I love that they classify it under 'cult.'
And, for TCB, who says that BtVS is my religion (honestly, I only watch one with lunch and sometimes one after dinner. I don't watch tv,) I give you Bluffy- cartoons poking fun at Buffy.
Mom: Was Doug E. in yur class?
Me: yes
Mom: He shipped out for Guard training in the Mojave Desert then will come back to await order to Iraq
Mom: His mom and he took on a paper route and there wa a photo in the paper today of her holding hispicture with a story about how the Sunday paper on their route was late but nobody minded. the family went to see him off.
So says my mother, the source of all news updates. I used to think it odd that her dad would call and tell her so and so died, or blah blah happened, but now I find it.. really nice. Like a newspaper that only tells me those things that I'd actually find interesting. And then clips the article and sends them to me.
TCB is off to a friend's wedding this weekend and went in on a gift with people. They each chipped in, got the gift, extra money in an envelope, and the they each brought a bottle of wine from their area. TCB, being the broke college student that he is, is bringing Boone's Strawberry Hill and MD 20/20. And I gave him new labels.
At Kroger, you can put coupons on your Kroger Card online and then they're stored for you until they expire or you remember to use them. Now, if only I needed baked beans or hotdog buns...
My life is so exciting- sitting at home, working, trying not to touch anything with my shoulders, back, neck, or face. Thinking about cutting off all of my hair so it doesn't touch my neck.
Also, I've been struggling with php- all of a sudden, it no longer works. It used to, mind you, and it worked relatively well. But now... it's like it just hates me. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it, checked Apache to ensure correct configuration- it all checks out. It should work. And if it did work, I could have the Cinci DDD page done and out the door in a week. Why it doesn't is a frustrating, not-paying-the-rent mystery to me.
We had great seats at Indy, in the NorthWest corner, so we had a prome view of the retirements: the 4 car crash in the first lap out of the first turn, the gear box failures, the tire deflations, and the Jaguar that caught fire. The only thing we didn't see well was R. Schumacher's crash in the oval. The funniest parts were when a driver would forget to break early enough and drive through the grass to the track after the first turn. Kind of like I do on Mario Kart, but they didn't get a mushroom to go through the rough faster.
With 60% of the field retiring, it was a very exciting race, even if the red team won and the blue team crashed and was disqualified. TCB wants to go to Monaco, but he saw more action here.
At the end of the day, the red won twice- I got to show TCB just how much I burn with sunscreen on. My arms and shoulders look like they've been taped off where my shirt was and painted red and my face shows the shape of my sunglasses. Not going to Football today if I can't wear a shirt. Sometimes 30+ just isn't enough.
Yesterday morning, as TCB packed himself up to go to the F1 race in Indy and I laid in bed, hungover and really tired, I dreamed that my roommate was fussing and not wanting to pay her half of the electric bill when the phone rang in the dream. It was the boy asking if I wanted to be taken away to the race.
Then I really woke up to the phone ringing. It was the boy, asking if I wanted to go- they had an extra ticket and would be there to get me in ten minutes.
Ten minutes later, I'd found the weather, splashed myself off, gotten dressed in the only things I had- sports bra, tank top, pants, sandals, sunscreen- and was out the door with my sunglasses.
Looking at the models in Spuddo's suggestion of Trashy Lingerie and trying to picture anything on me (large around lower hips and muscles for arms,) I thought of a great shopping site idea- you choose what your body looks like and they only show you stuff that'll look good on your body type. That way, they can filter out the haltertops and mini-shorts and I can skip right to the tank tops and funky pants.
Would also prevent people from purchasing items that are completely inappropriate for them. Like that girl you see at the summer fair with the belly out and shorts that skinny people shouldn't even wear.
THought I still don't have a helmet, I got my first football bruise yesterday! On the inside of my left arm, from warm ups where we crash between a pair teammates, staying low and protecting the ball.
Still can hardly use my left hand, but ice seems to help.
One of those days, you know? Woke up this morning at 7:15 after falling asleep at 2:30ish. Couldn't sleep again. Went to work and my 30-day BBedit trial ended today about 11, so I barely got any work in on that stuff before I turned to finding a replacement. Went home to eat lunch and take a nap, but I quickly realised that all I have in my fridge is cheese and beer. Made muffins, watched Buffy, watched it rain. After the main storm passed, remembered that I left my roof open on my car. Closed it, tried to nap again, but it didn't work. When I left my house to go back to work, found out that the rain had all collected in the space between the roof and the slidy sunshade when it poured down upon me, my sketchpad, and my playbook. Plus, I think either I did something to my hands or the weather's messing with them because I can hardly use my left index finger.
At least today's Tuesday, that's when the free iTunes song comes out. This week's (Letter Read by Rachel Yamagata) is pretty good, sort of Fiona Apple meets... Norah Jones on a dark corner. Pissed off. And Kermit says you can find extra free songs that aren't on the main page.
Thinking of not going to football practice, but I don't want to skip.
So, I watched Beautiful again last night (only the good parts, I couldn't sleep) and was annoyed, again, by the inaccurate portrayal of appalachia by the media. Miss Tennessee said she went to MurFREEsboro college and later asked if Miss Illinois had ever been to AppaLAYsheya. Is it only the people who actually live her who pronounce it MURfreesboro and AppaLAcha? The mis-pronunciation of places in Appalachia and the stereotypifying of the accent into the most southern drives me batty in movies. Tennessee accents are strange. Out on the west end, they're flat and ugly. Up in the east, it's.. well, it sounds like a southern accent that's been in isolation. and the middle of the state's a combintation of the two, excluding Nash-vegas, where it's all imports.
Not that Miss Tennessee talking like she had ever driven through the area woud have made the movie better, but it would have been less vexing.
Yesterday, we were supposed to go full gear for practice, but my helmet hadn't arrived yet. So I practiced without. While we warmed up, someone announced that there were former players who'd sell their equipment. So today, hopefully, I'll have an already-broken-in helmet to wear and can go full gear. The price of waiting: $100 that I can keep in the bank and a day behind on hitting drills.
Yesterday, in a fit of boredom after helping with the DDD yard sale (lots of rain didn't help,) TS and I watched Chicago, then went to see Stepford Wives. Afterwards, we both relised we had absolutely nothing to do, so decided to rent really awful movies, drink vodka, and make fun of them. We started with Beautiful over macaroni and cheese, yelling at the screen about what would happen next and figuring out the end in the first 15 minutes. We moved on to Crazy Little Thing. We watched, we cringed, it was awful.
By this time, we'd run out of juice to make our drink- a mixture of rasberry sherbet, fruit juice, ice, and as much cheap vodka as we could pour in. I found some grape juice concentrate in the fridge and rasberry vodka, we made popcorn.
During Cossroads we felt sick from watching Britney Spears and the drink, it was awful. Woke up this morning, still unsure of which was worse, the movie or the drink.
The group of us that checked out the festival last weekend are in the picture, just beyond the white fence. The piano player is the guy who does music at church.
Went shopping today for some new underthings. No, not that skimpy little red number, or a pair of fabulous shoes. I spent my lingerie budget on a helmet and shoulder pads. I can't wait until I get to spend my money on girly things again.
Somewhere over the weekend, Soccer/CS passed 5,000 visits. Thanks for obsessively checking!
I'm keeping super busy with football and working on stuff for other people's websites, definitely not mine. Thinking about going back to school for art, spring semester, so I actually know what I'm doing for all of these projects and such, instead of guessing and then getting ripped apart in a "you don't know what the hell you're doing" kind of way. Because it feels good.
This weekend, I must have forgotten to take off the "I like it up the butt" sticker off my car because, even when cruising at my usual 80-90 mph, people were riding my ass like I was sitting in the fast lane.
My car must just look slow- several of those ass-riders slowed down after passing me.
Did get one lady- she'd meen riding my ass while I was not tailgating the truck in front of me. The right lane opened up and she passed on the right, but the truck got over into her lane. I sped up and pinned her in, since the car behind me had sped up, too. It made me happy to put her several cars behind me instead.
And so I return to the Haute, full of Dr.Enuf, festival food, and good music.
They boy had an interesting weekend, he went to the festival, then we met up with dad for a poker tournament (and beer), then off to Newb's so the boy could experience his first drag show. And he also experienced lots of vodka.
Saturday, George and I got up early to have our pictures taked by Mr. Pardue (who's doing well) and the boy went to look at our airplane projects. Then we nearly all saw Harry Potter, but it was sold out. J came up for the day (and her birthday), we celebrated her and Mom's together, and back out to the festival we went. Met another friend that I haven't really seen since Middle school at the Spohisticated Otter.
Sunday was church, Jersey Mike's, and a drive back to L'ville.
I hit a squirrel yesterday, about the same place I nearly hit a turtle. I tried to avoid it, but it ran back under my car in its panic. When I looked back in the rearview mirror after the *thud*, its tail was waving madly, though other parts of it were stuck to the ground and not moving.
Every month or so, I get an email from DDD-> the online newsletter "The Pine Tree." This month, they want us to celebrate our new members and symbols by wearing our pearl necklaces. It's usually things along that line with a plug to join Life Loyal. They did have a good link to beauty recipes that you can make at home. I'm all about the Lemon Foot Mask, especially putting any leftover vodka to good use!
I don't like the guy that George talks about for this reason:
When I met him and asked what he was studying he said "computer graphics. You know those little icons that you click on? I make those."
I replied, "Oh, well you know know those little programs behind those graphics you click on? I write those," then turned around and walked away.
TCB had some burning desire to play Mario Kart on the gamecube. So off we went to FV to rent it. Walked in, found it immeidately, walked out with what we thought was five days of happiness. Got home and it's Mario Party 5 they gave us. While I set things up, TCB brought Angus in, dried him off, and TCB's roommate started talking to me, telling me what the game was.
TCB's roommate is the stereotypical Rose CO geek. Long hair in a bad pony tail, slightly overweight, likes to cook but not to clean, and has that nasal voice that makes you want to stab him. And thinks he's always right.
BR was very excited that we had meant to rent Mario Kart and wanted us to go back and exchange it right away. Instead he sat and played with me, taking TCB's spot, and laughed manaiacly whenever he won a mini-game. I'm talking the "haha, you lost so you must suck!" laughing. Over who could pick up the most flowers in 50 seconds. Also, when we brought the Gamecube into TCB's room to play (and not bother BR if he wanted to watch a movie) he followed and stood there watching for a good 15 minutes, left, got a movie, and came back to stand in the room and whine that we should take it back, it was the wrong game.
Now, Mario Party's somewhat addictive. It's cute, slow paced, and you don't really have to do anything at all. I thought for quite a while about not returning it.
Instead of a picnic or a cook out yesterday, I spent the day reading on TCB's back porch and getting MySQL, Apache, and PHP working on his laptop so I can use them when we carpool to Indy (and I sit for a few hours in a coffee shop while he's in a meeting.) I found some resources about developing on Mac for version OSX 10.0, but I figured it was mostly aplicable to 10.3 and plowed ahead.
Apache? check. Apache's already on it, just have to turn it on. That was easy. Ooh! looks like PHP is already on there too.
Got mysql, which took forever on his dialup. And I don't have root access, so I'd have to hunt TCB down every time I needed his password. Finally, that's installed, configured, etc, and I'm ready to go, right?
Not so. I made the standard script to test it and it failed miserably. Either it output nothing or it output the entire file, expecially after I figured out that the address was /localhost/~TCB/hello.php
Spent all night kind of crabby that what was supposed to be easy, two steps, and came on the machine, had thwarted me. Played Mario Kart.
This morning, I realised the error: I hadn't turned the PHP module on.