
tirsdag, maj 11

The kitten 

A woman walked into the SL office today with a kitten, asking if anybody wanted it. I miss having a kitty around to play with but, in town, I'd need to have an indoor kitty. The woman couldn't have been very old though she talked about her daughter pulling on the kitty, this kitten that was happy in the woman's arms, playing with her hand. I so desperately wanted to pick that kitten up, take it home and keep it forever.
         I could just envision kitty and I at home on summer nights in front of the fan, her sleeping and me watching Buffy or curling up to watch a movie with a blanket on cold nights. That kitty would get played with, learn to like car rides, bat at apartment bugs, and sleep on my bed. It's too bad my apartment doesn't allow new pets.

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