Last night, dressing the set, I kept thinking, gotta get this done, we go up tomorrow. And then it hit me:
It's only Wednesday. We have 2 more days.
Amazing! We're so far ahead, we might not have much wet paint on opening night, since nearly everything's painted black before getting the fancy paint. And nearly everything's built that needs painting. I have all the major props. And we haven't called practice this week on account of tomorrow yet.
Dress rehearsal's tonight, I hope it goes poorly.
Sad day in Terre Haute, Disco Ernie is dead. His funeral will include a disco party, with the disco ball.
"At age 62, the avid ballroom dancer got a unique opportunity to fill in for an injured Chippendales exotic dancer at The Overpass nightclub. Disco Ernie also began stripping for money at private birthday and bachelorette parties."
"He died like he lived; he died in peace"
If he died like he lived, wouldn't that have been by dancing naked?
This week is tech week and I'll be working hard getting things ready to go, dressing set, painting set, and finding all of the 8 billion props for the show. There's so many freaking props, but I'm ready. I'll have the table lined with paper and draw outlines of all the props and label them so I know what's missing before I have to search. Whoo!
So, postings will probably go down, since I'll have to work and stuff while I'm at work, so I can get to Hatfield to do other work. And I can't go to chapter tonight with my awesome costume and I'll be at all the halloween parties late, since no-one will be going to the show until next weekend, when I'll be off seeing John Mayer. *sigh*
I watched Romeo + Juliet this weekend, one of my favorite movies that I've seen a billion times. I really like it becasue every time I see it I really don't want them to die. I think, "Maybe this time he'll come to his senses and not kill Tybalt, maybe this time Romeo will return Mercutio's love and end up gay instead, maybe Romeo will be observant and get the Priest's letter, maybe Juliet will wake up earlier and Romeo won't drink the poison, maybe Juliet will decide to start a new life instead..." I keep hoping and hoping until Romeo's already dead, mostly so I don't have to hear Juliet cry.
Aahhuh, heuh hueh
Dumb bitch, why you gotta cry like that? It makes me cry, it's so awful. Once she does that, I want her to die.
Me: "Oh wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"
Juliet: "What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?"
Me: "The exchange of my daggar's fire with thy head."
Earlier, I posted about an attachment for cell phones. Add to it Purring Kitty, a 'game' that turns your phone into a vibrating machine. There: the answer to most of life's problems. And for the rest, here, here, and here.
I do like the glass, most of my favorite drinks end up in glasses like that. Or I put them there. Like martinis, cranberry and vodka, coke. But, what the hell is a Bunny Hug? If only I could just have the description follow me around, like a cartoon thought bubble...
First, a brief tutorial on Googlesmacking, from Ghani:
"Poundy has developed a new diversion for bored geeks: Googlesmacking. Googlesmacking is based on the fact that us webmasters have tools to see how people reached our site: if someone clicks on a link, I can see what page the link came from. If someone types a phrase into a search engine and my site pops up, I can see the phrase they used. I know, very Big Brother. So based on this, you can insult someone by using their own words against them. To googlesmack, all you have to do is pick out words from someone's page, and rearrange them into a naughty sentence of your own making. Then, go type that sentence into a search engine and see if the correct site pops up. If it does, click on the link and your sentence will be recorded in their logs. And of course, the new sentence should make fun of whoever's website you're using, so that they are very confused when their logs start calling them a whore."
A study by a German researcher shows that kissing habits may start before birth, with the positioning of the fetus's head. And another shows that kissing reduces tooth decay. Studying the USA, when meeting someone, "Men never kiss other men." And finally, a UNC study shows that smarter teens have sexual realtions later than those of average intelligence. So does that mean the average Rose geek is really freakin' smart or just inept?
I'm very excited now that fall temperatures have arrived to match the fall colors. I don't know why, but Autumn just excites me. It might be the abundance of squirrels or the smell of wood fires for marshmallows. Last week, as I drove to work, the wind was blowing leaves across the street and as the rolled I realized, "Hey! Some of those leaves are a squirrel!" It was beautiful, the way the squirrel just near-perfectly blended in with the leaves to cross the street, bouncing with their mad tumble.
This week, I parked the car in the back lot at the Apt. building and rounded the corner to the front entrance quickly and startled all the birds in the bushes, which came out and flew around me, like it was some kind of planned dance. The bushes just exploded with shrapnel made of birds.
Monday night, when I walked to dinner late, I looked out the door and the sky had been painted with blue and red, like a strange poster from the 80's, maybe seen a little too much sun, but still pretty. I love Fall.
A great pictorial of the Radial Wrath of Starfish Head, with logo men! It's about Warren and his exciting advetures in Fluxington, where the buildings reassemble themselves overnight and people change hair, legs, bodies, even heads at random.
I got tickets!!! to go see John Mayer!!! (My future husband!!!) in 17 days!!! I'm going with Little[2] in Champain, I'm totally so excited. When I got in the car today, both times I turned on the car, and then they played "Bigger Than My Body." I completely think it's fate.
On a related note, right after I ordered the tickets, JF IM'ed me to ask if I wanted to go to the Michelle Branch concert in Indy tonight. When it rains, it pours.
And EMB- What you want is winging its way towards you.
It's a new Cell Phone Accessory that lets people 'keep in touch' a little better, you know, satisfy those long-distance cravings and harness the power of the vibrating ringers. Fits on most phones.
It'd go well with the lucky shirt , now for sale on eBay. You'd get people calling you all the freakin' time! It'd be like a rollercoaster! You'd never sleep!
That Men, as a whole, are not very attractive when naked.
Sure, they might be pretty good from the waist up, but below the belt is certainly not a basket of puppies. There's just very little redeeming in that area, from the hairy legs to the hairy other parts. Even when trimmed, the best it looks like is a weird cat toy. And don't even get me started on the fun of playing. You can make things talk, make them puppets, even make it all dance.
Guys, are you uncomfortable yet?
Girls on the other hand, are much more interesting to see naked. They have differences in their bodies, more stuff to have differences in. They cover up more in public, so you've got more to leave to the imagination. Plus, girls have curves that can peak at different places, or be absent. Guys having curves... there's only one way to curve- out. A good drum, but nothing I'd like to see silhouetted.
This weekend, I was very productive. I scrubbed the kitchen floor, scrubbed the tub, washed the other bathroom appliances, the kitchen sink, washed all of my clothes, cleaned parts of my room, watched 4 movies, re-did the DDD website (all except for the photo album,) wrote invitations to a party for my building, helped stain BN's deck, ran 4 miles, started assembling a care package for my Sister, and found out that at Kroger, if an item rings up wrong and it's under $5, you get it free. So George's Luna bars, I got one free, and they were on sale. How great is that?
All of this weekend goes to prove, I need to get a boyfriend or find some friends.
So there's a new theory about the shape of the universe, that it's shaped like a soccer ball. The universe may be finite, spherical and patched together like a soccer ball, according to researchers who studied data which suggests the universe is made of curved pentagons that join to make a sphere.
I swear, it's not something I made up while running. Or drinking.
Things I learned this afternoon while listening to the kids next door talk as I helped stain BN's deck.
-Indiana was never an ocean
-The Wabash River doesn't go through Terre Haute, it's 50 miles away
-Japan is part of China
-Taiwan is part of China
-China's called Eurasia
-Russia is not really called Russia
-In 200 years, all the plates will be smooshed together, so the States will be next to Europe
It's time to go back to the hairdresser- those highlights aren't blonde enough for today. I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep last night, at all. at 2:30 (earlier than their usual 3 am) there was a fight outside and though I so wanted to call the police, my phone was dead. So I was up until 4:45 reading, having hot chocolate... I boiled the tea kettle dry, so now the wooden handle on the lid has a lovely burnt bottom to it. This morning, I nearly forgot my key (again) nearly locked my keys in the car, and couldn't think of a single word at the meeting this morning. Then, I got caught big time at my own game in the office. I usually wear headphones, so nobody will bother me and sometimes I listen to music, usually I don't, so I can hear what's going on in the office, since one of the guys (the one in charge of 'communications,' ironically) will call meetings that you HAVE to be at, and won't tell you about them, or what they're about, until he stands at your desk annoyed and says, "Ready?" As if you're supposed to read GS's mind on what this meeting supposed to accomplish.
Anyway, I started playing my new favorite game, Pocketful of Stars, and the music's turned off, so I put my headphones on, turn up volume on my computer, and play. Turn it up a little more, since tha volume's not responding and at the end, FP goes "Who's game is making that 'dingdingding' noise?"
Of course they all look at me, and I realise that the headphones aren't plugged in, and they make fun of me for wearing them to eavesdrop. More embarrassing than anything, because we all hide from each other the fact that we play games at work.
Oh well.
'Cause I threw away the key. Well, close. So I've been running [consistently!] the past few days, and when I go running, I attach my key to my bra with a hair tie (also works well for when you don't want to carry a whole set of keys to go out, and your pants don't have pockets.) When I come home, I unlock the door and put my key on the table.
This morning, I woke up and all the furniture had been moved in the living room, so the whole floor was clear in the middle. Not that our furniture's hard to move, it was mostly the coffee table, consisting of a piece of plywood with a large towel over is as a tablecloth. And, my roommate's boyfriend's shoes and shirt were strewn about. They're on fall break today and tomorrow.
So I get ready for work, and hastily leave in case Roomie's door opens. And Since my key's not on the table, it must be on the keyring, and my roomie leaves at noon to go home. At noon-twenty, I get home and realise, "shit. My key's inside. Wait, so's my phone. And the Landlady's phone number." Visions of spending the night on the landing, wandering around town when everybody's gone, and trying to sneak into the SRC to shower during fall break flash through my head.
I round the corner, and there's the Landlady, in her van, about to leave, just checking something on a piece of paper. Flagging her down, she unlocks the door, crisis averted. The key had fallen underneath the table, and the coffee table had been returned to its rightful spot.
Is not a word straight men use. Like Fabulous, but it's one of Pres. Bush's favorite words. Betty Bowers is trying to out him. Truly, this is a fabulous website.
Last night, I went over to the Delta Sig bid night. I wore some "new" pants (they were my sister's until mom and she visited and mom put them in my trunk, in the back saying "these are George's pants, and sort of hid them under stuff.), because I had a matching shirt, the red one with the playboy bunny. everybody was amazed with the super sparkly pants with a playboy bunny on the back pockets, especially the really drunk people. One guy said "I can see the sky in your pants.." before tracing out the big dipper on my thigh and then falling over.
And then I stole a guy's hat and wore it for a while- I think I'm going to have to get a blue hat, becasue I looked super cute in it. and put my hair in braids. and then wear a slightly large baseball jersey. I could totally be a cutie for halloween.
I got my Indiana License today. Not just Indiana, but a Terre Haute license. I guess I had to, since my lease started 60 days ago. Another day and I would have been here "illegally" or something. So, I'm crying on the inside at the loss of my dear, still-said-under-21 tennessee license. *cries*
To cheer you up, though, here's the site dedicated to Oolong, the bunny with the pancake on top of his head. I especially like the one where he has the teapot on his head. Here, bunnie bunnie bunnie....
In Tennessee, is the rule signal 50 feet before turning? and you're supposed to stay 4 seconds behind the car in front? (I just remember Mr. McPherson counting "1..2..3.. you're too close, Palila")
At work, I'm looking up past work on technology we're developing, and I've learned a couple things:
*the US Patent Office's website is slow. Slow as molassas. Slow as christmas eve. slow as fuck. I play entire minesweeper games between page loads. Entire civilizations grow up and die out while scrolling.
*Color Kinetics patents the crap out of lighting stuff. Including light. yeah, if they could, they'd patent it. They must've had the patent first, since they're color kinetics. Maybe we'll patent sight. All their freaking light patents won't amount to a hill of beans, since we've got sight.
*Reading patents all day makes my head hurt and eyes cross
So after a frustrating 4 days, the 'net's back up at work.
On the bright side- I set a new minesweeper record: 107s on expert. Very fufilling, to soundly beat QK's squeak by my old record.
On the non-bright side- the mail server was down long enough to bounce stuff (>3 days)
And to top it off, today's Columbus day, so the DMV was closed. And there's no mail. I feel so isolated. No mail at home, no mail at work, no male in my bed...
Went to a wedding on saturday, the bride was radiant, the ceremony beautiful, the reception was a good time. The best part was seeing JR (R of the red nose) knowing every word to the Humpty Dance. and dancing to it. Hi- larious.
and then Sunday, I spent most of the day with my favorite elf- Llegolas.
Sex on a stick. Yum!!
I saw (while watching cartoons at BN's last night) that now they're selling the love scenes from movies, just the scenes, all on two videos. The ad ran like a 'Girls GoneWild' ad, with cut pieces of film over their naughty bits. And most of it was the gratuitous nudity in films.
THough I must say, the sex scene in "Jerry Maguire" is pretty hot.
I've been thinking on AB's offer of a new blender (since mine has, unfortunately, more than one blade in the ground, and she's got a great kitchen store down the street) and I believe this is the list:
1. Multi-speed. Gotta be able to puree the frozen strawberries and gently mix the margaritas.
2. Noise- not too loud, since you can hear things in the common hallway, I've discovered.
3. Color- not purple, that'd Ike's job.
4. Size- the same volume as the old one's fine.
5. Material- really, plastic's best, since it's easiest to clean.
6. Cuteness- my sister has one with Hello Kitty on it.
And AB, if your blender dies, I can make a run to the kitchen store we went to before for you. *wink*
Shine up your rings, girls, set the table, and wash the children, because next week is marriage protection week. A week devoted to building a stronger family, not stronger marriages.
"Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and my Administration is working to support the institution of marriage by helping couples build successful marriages and be good parents. "
So, our president, in this declaration, is promoting the idea that marriages are baby-making unions, not the union of two people making a life together with love and support for each other. And we need a week to strengthen our child-rearing environments and look at the tax benefits of marriage. With this marriage protection week, we're not helping to bring couples closer together, no, they can read Cosmo for that, let's help the baby-makers. The hetero-sexual baby-makers. Screw the homosexual parents, the barren couples, the working couples, and those single parents. They don't need anything.
After this weekend, I've discovered several things missing, like my voice, lots of sleep and an EZ. In my bed.
But, last night, I was laying in bed, trying to relax after a stressful, depressing night of bid matching, and my bed broke. Not completely broke, some of the hardware that holds a side rail pulled out of the headboard. It happened before, when I put the bed together on a 'test run,' so I know it's got nothing to do with the over- use it got this weekend. Or: proper use. I know that's not a problem, since mom & dad had this frame right after they got married. (I try not to think of it either, I've chalked up the ground-in paint on the back of the headboard to not covering it properly when painting.)
I woke up this morning with a complete inability to talk, which made calling into work fun, since I'd also overslept. [and answering the phone at lunch, since they left me alone in the office.] So, I get to work after working on some stuff at home, and am in a meeting with GS, and he says, "Since you can't talk, I just keep thinking that you're deaf, too." Yeah, my ears work fine, let me flip you off.
Here it is, the random Sunday evening blog. Amazing.
I had a fantastic weekend, though I'm quite sore and I lost my voice after too much yelling at the pep rally (We won cheer and queen!!!), too much yelling at the alumni soccer game (my team won!!!), and lots of time at the smoky bars. At Duggan's, we had to re-instruct the woman on how to make a '57 Chevy, since ours came and they were red. They're supposed to be green; she'd put in cranberry juice, making it taste watery instead of sharp. And, with dad sleeping in my apartment, I stayed out until 7:30 am, getting home and he was already up and watching tv. That was a good story to tell.
"Uh, I didn't want to walk home at 4 am, so I just crashed on a couch and got up to come home now..."
Yeah, right.
So, the plan for this weekend:
Tonight: Tap room (free food and cheaper beer)
Pep Rally (Go, Teams, Go)
Bonfire (Burn baby, burn)
Llama races (Who can finish a keg faster?)
Tomorrow: Alumni Soccer game (Kick Some Ass)
Football game (Get Ass Kicked)
Upstairsville Party (whoo!)
Drama Club Party (whoowhoo!)
Figure out what to do with Mom, Dad, J, Roomie, her 2 friend's, and my sleeping arrangements. (boo)
Oh, it's such a good day, even the mud-filled backseat of my car isn't so bad. I woke up happy, if tired, and then I had to work at home becuase I couldn't find my keys, and then I had First Wok for lunch. Ahhhh, First Wok. I hardly ever eat there, and so I don't have a good Tso fix until other alumni come to town. Why? Because it's addictive. It's the most fabulous chinese place to eat in the world.
Fortune: It's time for you to explore all those new interests.
An article on Men's thoughts. I thought it was particularly interesting that science can now "show whether a man and a woman are truly in love by measuring the amount of activity in the cingulate gyrus, an emotion centre in the brain." So emotions are measurable!
Yesterday, my future husband's new cd arrived in the mail and, all excited, I brought it to work today (after I wasn't able to listen to it last night because of the recruitment parties,) put it in my cd drive, and it brought up some stupid 'cd extra' crap. Which, after clicking around it, eventually crashed my computer. Why? Why John Mayer, Why?
So now here I sit, with my walkman playing the cd beside me. It's beautiful, I approve of the return to his jazz influences, though there's some noise in many of the tracks that's annoying. Not sure what it is, but it's got headache staying power. His voice seems to blend into the music more on this cd, and there's lots of staccato guitar. Also, the topics feel more personal than "Room for Squares," which had a broad range of emotions.
But, oh! The insert! oh, it makes me forgive it all, the crash, the frustration, the everything! It's so beautiful, I could about cry.
WB turned on the heat yesterday!! No more will my water get colder once it leave the fridge! No more will Flamant complain about freezing his plastic feathers off! No more will I stay in bed an extra hour because it's just too damn cold to get up, I'll stay in bed because I just don't feel like getting up!