Hey, look, try not to die.
Mom always worried when we'd jump on trampolines. There was a lady near TA who had one and we'd have to sign a release form before we could jump on it.
That's the end of the story. Happy Turkey day! (or Tofurkey, whatever.)
Because it's Tuesday, it's time for some wholesome fun- finding out if my blog is good or evil.
It turns out that my blog's the most evil of all the ones that I could easily remember the url to:
The Family: 11%
Ralph: 24%
Ghani: 25%
Nagi: 26%
Derp: 29%
George: 30%
Joel: 45% (weblog o' doom)
*note* I just got bored and started copy and pasting sites.
In my next life, I've decided that I want to come back as a squirrel. I watched two of them play with each other in a short tree on Sunday, including hopping up on the other one, grabbing tails, bouncing straight up in the air, running up the branches to land on the other one, missing... It looked like so much fun, like all-out foreplay wrestling.
I'm definitely not coming back as one of these. They look like yoda gone furry with noses.
A new way to imbibe: inhalable alcohol.
But, if they had this at a party or, say, before a sporting event and used this and the athlete became drunk, would that have to pass because it was a contact high? Or would AA members get tempted and have to swear, "But I never inhaled?"
Looking for a gift for the woman who has everything? Give her another vulva, a Velvet Vulva (purses, hats, toy bags, art, and pillows.)
"In whatever way the Velvet Vulva is respectfully employed, it will express and honor the Goddess within and without. As in life, Velvet Vulvas come in various sizes, shapes, and styles.
'You will know when you have found a good fit!' "
Combine that with an anti-rape device, and you have an unstealable purse!
It's Palila's in a good mood day, Hey!
Woke up 15 minutes early this morning with the unshakable feeling that today's a good day. I don't know why, either. I don't know if it's someone's birthday, if there's something going on tonight, that GS is finally selling our products at LDI, because of Hawaiian shirt Friday, or because I'm not wearing a bra today. It's just a good day. I did discover that coke's on sale today at Kroger, that was a huge plus to the morning. And the weather's gorgeous. Since nobody really has much to do today, I'm going to try and incite a company field trip to the park this afternoon, to improve our soccer, frisbee, and football skills. Why else is today a good day?
Google Sets, great to play with for a little while, kind of interesting to see what Google predicts is in the rest of your set. It's like Google's trying to become psychic.
And doing a poor job of it.
The comment system has been replaced, almost. The old comment system [on it's way out the door] is still here for a little while, for sentimental reasons, but is disappearing in a bit. Use the new stuff (the one that says "comments")
Project Next: changing the comments to make them easier to read.
In one cup, what has:
230 calories
150 mg. protein
11 mg. carbohydrates
6 mg. fat.
3 mg. cholesterol
7% US RDA potassium
3% US RDA copper
3% US RDA zinc
and works as a mild anti-depressant?
Looks pretty good for you, right? Maybe you should try some. Go out and get it now!
Last night, I got together with the girls, made popcorn, and watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show. We commented on the underwear and made fun of the models. There were somereallycutethings and some ass-ugly ones too but we figured out a few tricks:
1. Girls with a good rack get the ass-covering outfits
2. Girls without a rack wear thongs to take attention away from their lack of cleavage
3. All supermodels must have wanted to join the army, because they march in heels
4. Only one person gets to wink at the camera
5. It's ok to let a guy lace up your crotch-high boots; he's probably gay
6. Supermodels often don't actually have a clue as to what's going on 3 feet from their face
7. Not all models can wear the wings- they require muscles
8. In the lineup, they alternate between good outfits and ass-ugly outfits
9. Being a backup dancer doesn't require talent
Naked Sushi- Art, eroticism, or degradation?
Having never eaten sushi off a naked model (or a naked person,) I feel unqualified to make a judgment. But speaking for the models, I don't think I'd complain too much if I was getting paid (well) to lie for half an hour under some plastic wrap (in a thong and flower petals) and that's all. Hell, I'd probably fall asleep. Except, I'd certainly feel like I was being treated as an object, a plate.
Boyg is a word that Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian Playwright) used in his play Peer Gynt for the unknown fear that consumes our darkest thougts, manifesting itself as a palpable force in the life of Peer Gynt, a nomadic adventurer. Lots of symbolism and social commentary disguised as allegory, etc... To defeat the Boyg, Peer must (surprise!) meet the fear head on (instead of going around the hill), but the Boyg is tricky. It uses Peer against himself, getting him to beat himself up, gnaw at his own arms, all the while thinking it is the Boyg's doing. Peer is saved by the [church] bells (not for the first time in the story):
BIRD-CRIES Boyg, there he's fallen! Seize him! Seize him!
THE BOYG [shrinks up to nothing, and says in a gasp:]
He was too strong. There were women behind him.
Peer goes on to have many more adventures before the end of the play. Boyg is also a Norwegian word that means curve or bend.
Mom's vision of the boyg is dark with red eyes and rumblings and foggy swirls that consumes people in the night. I see it as a dark pond filled with fish at night. Everyone has their own vision of the ultimate fear. This is unlike hell, where most people's vision (the flames and torment) come from Dante's Inferno, level 7, for the violent, assassins, war-monger, and those who have committed crimes against god and nature.
So really, if hell becomes personal, then is our personal ultimate fear really our personal hell?
Yeah, I know my comment system sucks. I'm shopping around for another free, hosted on their machine system that's reliable, but until then, if you hit 'comment' and it shows up as "I can't find the page," back up and try again. It may post a zillion times, but I can delete the extra ones no problem. It's easier than making up one that half posted (The counter increased but the post didn't go)
Changes have been made. How does it look in your browser? Ghani says that the links are at the bottom, but they show up on the left on my machine. Anything else seem strange to you?
A guide for those of us in the money-challenged area: 9 ways to look rich but live cheap. I especially like the last tip:
"Kids are expensive, and since most rich people just send theirs away to boarding school anyway, you could argue that the best thing for your Live Cheap, Look Rich lifestyle is not to have the little monsters in the first place."
What's better, the KKK or the Nazis? Eating a Giant Cookie or a Castle? "The Catcher in the Rye" or Monica Lewinski? It's a large social experiment in which you get to choose the 'better' of two items and then see which one's better, according to other people. Also, you can view the top and bottoms of categories, the top and bottom 10 (sex is only the second best thing ever,) and search to see if things you know are up for voting.
I find it comforting to find that most people also think that "Inflatable Pigs" are better than "Unicycle Sumo" and that other people hate driving in Arkansas as much as I do. What's the best thing since sliced bread? It's public merge sort! Whoo!
Last night at Wal-mart, I bought many cans of spaghetti-o's (since they're a vegetable) and the lady double bagged them. Now, I normally don't have a problem with this, but she double bagged them in a way that made double bagging useless. She tied off the inner bag and placed it in the second bag, so you still only used one bag for support. The other one became just a way to keep them all together should the outer bag tear through. She not only double bagged this bag in this manner, she bagged all of my items like this. Even the bag containing only a quart of milk and some frozen french fries! I really wanted to explain to her that "if you leave that bag open, then two bags support the 3 things of yogurt and 5 tangelos instead of concentrating the weight in one area within a bag," but decided it wasn't even worth the trouble.
Mom: going up to have lunch
Me: ok, I 'm about to do the same
Mom: salad, mmm
Me: I'll have cheese crackers and coke
Mom: AAAck! The mother in me syas, "Eat veggies!"
Me: I eat veggies
Me: bread's a veggie
Me: right?
Mom: ?? In your dreams
Me: peanuts are veggies
Me: so peanut butter's good
Mom: Is is from a jar of peanut butter?
Me: yes
Me: oooh, grain's a veggie?
Mom: grain's a starch
Me: beer's a veggie, right?
Mom: carbohydrate
Mom: only Guiness
Me: grapes are veggies
Me: so wine's one too?
Mom: grapes are fruit
Mom: The alcohol disqualifies that stuff
Me: darn. Olives?
Mom: yes but watch the salt
Me: how about....
Me: cheese?
Mom: cheese is protien
Me: can cheese be a veggie?
Mom: no
Me: veggie cheese?
Mom: in no way
Mom: only soy cheese
Mom: which sounds awful
Me: how about crackers
Me: Crackers and cheese
Mom: crackers are starch
Me: do spaghetti-o's have veggies in them?
Mom: yes
Mom: remotely
Me: Yay! I'm having veggies
If you ever wonder how geeky you are, compared with 'normal people,' there's the geek test. A place where you, gentle reader, can click up your laundry list of accomplishments, knowledge, and inability to get a date for a coveted number. Myself, I only rank as 42.2% Geek, enough for the "Major Geek" label.
To the women formerly of room 13, living it up in Orlando this week, a long-distance invitation to poke the penguin. If you keep playing, other things happen.
*Error from Esteban, just in case you use smartfilter, too...
The following error was encountered:
Access Denied by SmartFilter: Forbidden, this page (http://www2.gamesville.lycos.com/html_poke/poke_penguin.htm) is categorized as: Gambling.
At Lowe's the other day (I go there for fun,) after finding my bath stopper (So I can take a bath in my clean tub!) I wandered around and found some super cute lamps on sale that match my apartment! For $8, total! Now I can have light beside my bed and don't have to hit the lightswitch with a book to avoid getting out of bed when I'm tired. The new floor lamp provides 3 lightbulbs of light instead of two, since one of those fat, hautian, lazy flies landed on my old lamp and caught fire (since it was too lazy to move) and burnt a hole in one of the bulb covers. I dislike turning that light on.
Beside myself Triple threat
Mom: Have you seen the new Matrix movie?
Me: Yeah, I saw it last night on my date.
Me: I think it was a date
Mom: With who?
Mom: May I ask?
Me: [gives her the skinny]
Me: What do I do?
Mom: you could send him an email thank-you, or is that too personal
Me: I don't know, I havn't been on a date in how long?
Me: That seems almost like a handwritten note, and I didn't think that was an interview
Mom: don't call, an email to his campus acct. saying something like. "Hey, movie bud, Had a great time. Loved the flick and ____. Thanks for the treat. (and if you want to see him again, suggest something like a lower rent meeting like a study break coffee). See ya around the quad. Cheers, Pal
So, Hey movie bud, Had a great time. Loved the flick and the hot chocolate, Thanks for the treat. How about getting together and seeing a movie you haven't seen yet, like R+J? See ya around the ... place.
Cheers, Pal
So, I did the props for the show at Rose these past two weekends (they went very well,) and props includes getting the ginger ale to use as champaign. Now, Friday, I couldn't be at the show because I'd already bought tickets to the John Mayer concert in Champain (which was great, though i swear he was smoking pot, even did the "I love you guys" speech.) So, running a little late, I stop by Kroger to get the ginger ale and run into one of the actresses. Great, I think, and give her a dollar and a quarter to buy some ginger ale and take it to MZ at Hatfield, because he's going to do props that night for me. I repeated it several times.
Off I go to the concert.
Saturday night, the actors come up to me and ask, do you have giner ale for tonight? I say yes, thinking that they'll do their usual complaining about it being flat, since it gets poured about an hour before it's drunk. All they wanna know is if it's present, because they used watered-down mountian dew the night before. I'm about to hurt the actress because she didn't buy the stuff.
Apparently, at the cast party, she pulled out a bottle of giner ale and handed it to MZ saying, "Palila said I was supposed to give this to you..."
I went to Big Lots yesterday (who's now open until 8 pm on Sundays for holiday shopping.) Ended up with crackers, instant red miso soup, and hot chocolate. I love Big Lots because you can find the most random stuff, like things that were discontinued, didn't sell well, or overstocks, and I wonder what the marketing campaign would have been for these products:
Healthy Choice Vegetable Clam soup It's clammy veggi soup! Choose Healthy, Choose Clam and Vegetables.
Suddenly Salad! A head of lettuce left its cabbage at the altar and got a job at an Italian dressing factory. It's suddenly salad!
Pizza-Flavored Cheese-Its*
It's like pizza on a square cracker! and crunchy! Get your own box for 99 cents at Big Lots.
Menudo Spice Mix There were 5,280 bottles of these, the extras from handing them out to every mexican in the world. Please, buy some. We ground up Menudo for them, to share it with the world.
I've noticed a tendancy of older engineers to cleverly sidestep pointed issues by completely ignoring the actual question you asked, also known as the "Most Ducks Are Brown" technique. Example:
You: Hey, how does this D flip-flop work?
Engineer: Most ducks are brown.
You: No, no, I was wondering about the flip-flop. Dows it change on the up edge of the clock or the down edge?
Engineer: No, really, most ducks are brown.
You: But, the D flip-flop?
Engineer: I don't think you're understanding. Most Ducks Are Brown. Some are white, but most are brown.
This happens most often with brand new professors and old engineers that have seen it all. Quite annoying when you want a direct answer to things like, "What's the first product?" and "How do I get in touch with that woman?" and "Are we meeting here or there in an hour?"
Do other professions do it too?
I love tomato soup and grilled cheese. It's easy to make over a fire. Very easy. I _tried_ to make it at home, over the stove.
Wasn't aiming for cajun grilled cheese. Pictures of attempts 1 and 2 coming soon to a website near you. My roommate made good ones for me.
Last night, I started making ricearoni, but quit browning the vermicelli after I noticed some of it crawling around. As my second choice, I made salmon patties (it's like hamburgers, but with salmon.) They fell apart, so I made warmed salmon chunks.
Tonight, I'm sticking with the tried-and-true. Large coke from BigFoot and cheese crackers, followed by cheap white wine and celery when I get home. Simple but effective when I'm moving set.
And about those cheese crackers. They are wonderful. Only 25 cents and they are so much tastier than the nasty, three month-old crackers you used to get. The only ones I miss and can't find at BigFoot are the cheese-on-wheat flavor. Now THOSE really got me through softball in high school. I can taste them now, with the smell of red clay dirt on the Kiwanis Metro field (Not the Indian head one) and Mishter Guffey in his tight old-man pants getting down with the first base coaching. Aaahh, memory lane...
So today, I'm sore. Ran 4 miles outside last night, then went and lifted. Day #2 of lifting and it hurts so bad to do my hair today. I know I'm a masochist; I can't wait to do it again tonight.
George has found a really awesome game, where you make the people (and sheep and cows) feel the WRATH of you, who is God. It's horribly, horribly addictive.
It's iMac girls in more poses and outfits (and lack of outfits!) for your desktop. All seasons. I'm especially a fan of the ninja and the 'intelligent' one. And the ones where you know it's just been a straight translation.
"In her bag, much possibility is contained."
"The morning when intellectual sensitivity wakes up."
"It is my boast."
My Aunt is fixing me up on yet another blind date. The first guy turned out to be a real winner though she recommended him so highly, so I'm a little scared on this one, who she's never met. It's the son of one of her good friends, he's 25 and a banker. By "banker," however, I'm picturing the pimply little kid who takes care of the window in the drive-through banking with the tube that travels by vacuum.
Anybody else wanna set me up on a date? Apparently, my singleness is a problem that needs immediate attention, like a life-threatening wound. Anybody? Anybody?
I found out why you shouldn't run around in the wings the hard way. Running through, on my way to the stage to test some stage pieces Friday before the show, I ran around the cart so I wouldn't trip over it. Unfortunately, they were testing the blackout right then, and I didn't see the bench next to the cart (painted black) and smacked right into it. Momentum, etc... I go flying, land and do the tuck and roll. As Q puts it (He was right behind me) "She was there, then there was hang time and then she was gone. I look over and there she is, rolling."
Add to that my graceful fall through the stairs on my way up to the catwalk and hitting my elbow on about every door, and I'm a mass of bruises. Could have gone as a beaten wife for Halloween, saved on finding a costume.